Bulk Whois
Our bulk Whois service takes complete care of your bulk needs!
Here's how:
- No limits. Our system is designed especially for huge bulk. It can process literally millions of requests.
- Full coverage. The number of extensions you requested is limited only by your choice. We cover both global as well as country code extensions.
- Parsing. Without a unified format across registers and registries, Whois records can look rather unfriendly. Our system can offer you parsed results if you need them.
To be able to offer you the solution that suits you best, please provide us with the following information in your bulk Whois request:
- whether you need raw or parsed Whois results
- which TLDs you'd like to be included
- how many domains per request you'd like to be checked
For some country code extensions, Whois data is unavailable since their registires do not have a Whois server.
This is not a comprehensive list. If you've got custom bulk Whois needs, please contact us below.